Pregnancy is a beautiful thing but some  of the symptoms can be embarrassing. However don’t be shy. You need to discuss these symptoms with your health care provider to make sure you are on track.
embarrassing pregnancy symptoms

Embarrassing pregnancy symptoms


Excessive gas : Bloating and excessive gas are common symptoms during pregnancy. This excess  gas escapes the body through flatulence or burping. During pregnancy , increased  levels of the hormone progesterone relaxes the smooth muscles in the body. These include smooth muscles  of the digestive tract and therefore  slows down digestion and allows gas build up.


Excessive salivation : Some pregnant women feel they salivate more during pregnancy. In a  small percentage of these women, this salivation may be so much that they may need to spit up.


Incontinence : It is common for pregnant women to leak urine when they  cough, sneeze or laugh. It is recommended that women wear panty liners especially during the  last few months of pregnancy when this condition is common.


Acne : Pregnancy can make you break out like a teenager. This is especially common during the first trimester due to the increase of  hormones in your body. You should however note that certain acne medications are off-limits during pregnancy and these include  Retin-A. Ask your doctor before using any acne medications.


Hemorrhoids : This is when the blood vessels in the rectal area get swollen.  Hemorrhoids may be itchy, painful and cause rectal bleeding.  It is common during pregnancy especially because  constipation is a common symptom of pregnancy. Straining during bowel movement can cause this condition.


Constipation : Are you pregnant and constipated ? You are not alone. It is a common complaint during pregnancy. This is due to the hormone progesterone which slows down movement of food through the digestive tract. Pressure of the growing uterus on the rectum also contribute to constipation.


Morning sickness : Most women suffer from nausea and vomiting or both especially during  the first trimester of pregnancy.  A few women experience this throughout  pregnancy. It is believed that this may be due to a surge in hormones that increases sensitivity to smell ,  odors and make the stomach sensitive.


Decreased sex drive : Most pregnant women feel embarrassed during pregnancy due to weight gain and other physical changes. This makes them feel unattractive and uncomfortable to get intimate with their partners. Fatigue, nausea and vomiting are  also enough to decrease anybody’s sex drive.


Vaginal discharge : Rising estrogen levels especially during the third trimester increase the production of vaginal   discharge. This discharge is leucorrhea ( the odorless or mild-smelling milky discharge ) you occasionally found   in your underwear  before you got pregnant.


Leaky breast : This is another sign that the body is preparing for the baby. During the last trimester of pregnancy, there is an increase in prolactin which is the hormone that prepares your body for nursing. This can cause fluid to leak from the nipples. Regular everyday things such as sex, changing clothes and taking a shower can trigger secretion from the nipples.


Content Sources
Gas during pregnancy .American Pregnancy Association . Accessed October 2 , 2014

12 icky pregnancy side effects. Baby Center. Accessed October 2, 2014

7 Most Embarrassing Pregnancy Symptoms. WebMD. Accessed October 2, 2014

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