First trimester is the first 3 months  after conception. This is the time that organ development takes place so the fetus is most susceptible to damage from toxins, drugs and infections.


first trimester


What to expect during the first trimester of pregnancy


Pregnancy is different for every woman. Some women are in good spirits while others feel absolutely miserable. Here are some  of the common pregnancy symptoms of the first trimester.


Morning sickness : Nausea is one of the most common pregnancy symptoms. It usually occurs in the morning hence the name morning sickness but it can really occur at anytime of the day. This is usually the result of hormonal changes and can last the whole trimester or entire pregnancy. Some people may experience a mild form of morning sickness while others can’t keep anything down. To help relieve morning sickness , you can do the following :

  • eat small, bland or high protein snacks such as crackers
  • sip water, clear fruit juice such as apple juice or ginger ale
  • choose food that are low in fat and easy to digest


It is important to contact your health care provider if morning sickness is bad and you are expressing symptoms such as dark urine  or low urine output, dizziness or can’t keep liquids down.


Breast tenderness : Hormonal changes cause breast to be sensitive, sore and tender. Your breast may also feel fuller or heavier. You can reduce the discomfort by wearing sports or supportive bra.


Bleeding : Bleeding during the first trimester is common. Light spotting may be a sign of implantation of the fertilized embryo into the uterus. However if bleeding is heavy and accompanied by symptoms such as cramping or sharp abdominal pain, it could be a sign of a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. Call your doctor right away.


Frequent urination :During early pregnancy , your may find yourself urinating more than usual. Pressure from the enlarging uterus on the bladder can cause you to leak urine when you sneeze, cough or laugh. This can increase your risk for  urinary tract infection. To reduce your risk, you need to urinate when you feel the urge to. Cut down on caffeinated drinks in  the evening to reduce the number of bathroom visits at night. Caffeine can make you urinate more.


Fatigue : You wear out easily because your body is  working hard to support the fetus. Take frequent naps or rest throughout the day. You should also make sure you are getting enough iron. Lack of iron can lead to excess fatigue. Engaging in daily  physical activities  such as brisk walking can also help


Discharge : It is common to see  thin, milky white discharge (called leukorrhea) early in your pregnancy. You can wear panty liners to reduce your discomfort. However you should note that the use of tampons is not recommended because it can introduce germs into the vagina. If the discharge is foul, green , yellow or excessive , call your doctor right away.


Food aversion and cravings : Your taste changes during pregnancy. About 60% of women experience food cravings and more than half experience food aversion. Giving in to your cravings once is a while  is okay provided you are generally eating good,  healthy foods. However pica which is craving no food items such as chalk, sand, bleach and laundry starch can be dangerous for you and your baby.


Heartburn : The hormone progesterone produced during pregnancy relaxes smooth muscles including  the ring of muscle in your lower esophagus. This ring of muscles normally keep food and acid in the stomach. This relaxation of the muscles lead to acid reflux also known as heartburn. You can reduce your risk of heartburn by eating frequent, small foods throughout the day. You should avoid greasy, spicy acidic foods. You should also avoid lying down right after eating. You can also raise your pillow when you sleep.


Constipation : High levels of progesterone during pregnancy causes a slow down of muscle contractions that normally move food throughout the intestines.The extra iron you are getting from prenatal vitamins can also cause constipation and gas. You can ease this symptom by eating high fiber foods and drinking lots of fluids. Staying active can also help.


Dizziness : Blood vessels dilate during pregnancy causing a drop in blood pressure. This leads to faintness or lightheadedness. Take these steps to relieve this discomfort.

  • avoid standing for long periods of time
  • rise slowly after standing or sitting for long periods of time
  •  if you feel dizzy while standing, lie down on your left side. If you feel dizzy while driving, pull over


Mood swings : Hormonal changes and increased fatigue cause an emotional roller coaster. it is okay to cry when you are feeling  overwhelmed.  Try to find someone who understands such as your partner, family and friends.


Weigh gain : It is good to gain weight during pregnancy but do not overdo it. You need to gain about 3 to 6 pounds during the first trimester. You just need an extra 150 calories daily during the first trimester.  Add heathy foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains  and lean meat to help you get that extra calorie.



Some symptoms may warrant a visit to the hospital. These symptoms may be a sign of a serious condition. These symptoms include the following :

  • heavy bleeding
  • severe abdominal pain
  • severe dizziness
  • rapid weigh loss or too little weight gain.


Content Sources
First trimester of pregnancy. WebMD. Accessed July 5, 2015

First trimester of pregnancy. National Library of Medicine. MedlinePlus. Accessed July 5 , 2015

Pregnancy by week. Mayo Foundation. July 5, 2015


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