Baby teeth are also called primary teeth. They are usually off white or ivory. However there are occasions when this teeth can become discolored due to many reasons.
discolored baby teeth

Reasons for discolored baby teeth

Poor hygiene : If the baby teeth are not brushed well, they may cause plaque to form on them which can lead to teeth discoloration.


Newborn jaundice : When a baby develops jaundice after birth, it may cause the primary teeth to have a tint of green.


Medication : Medications that contain iron  such as supplemental vitamins may stain teeth. Taking the antibiotic tetracycline during pregnancy can also cause your child to have discolored teeth.


Excessive fluoride : Mixing fluorinated water with your baby’s formula increases the baby’s risk of developing faint white markings or streak which is a sign of mild enamel fluorosis.


Gum or tooth injury : Baby teeth discoloration may occur as a result of trauma to the gum or teeth. This often gives the primary teeth a pink or gray tint.


Weak enamel : Genetics can cause problems with the formation of the enamel. This can lead to teeth discoloration.


Illness : A severe infection during infancy can cause this problem. Diseases such as newborn hepatitis and some heart disease can also result in this.


If discoloration is caused by poor hygiene, thorough cleaning of the teeth may resolve the problem. You  should use a smear of tooth paste until the infant learns to spit which is usually around age 3.


You should also do the following to keep your child’s mouth healthy.

  • do not dip your child’s  binky into honey or sugar
  • do not fill your infant’s bottle with liquids such as sugar water
  • do not put your child to bed with a bottle
  • avoid sharing eating utensils with your child. This can spread cavity causing bacteria

If you have any concerns with your child teeth, discuss them with your doctor. He may refer your to a pediatric dentist.


Content Sources
First trimester of pregnancy. WebMD. Accessed July 5, 2015
Discolored baby teeth. Livestrong. Accessed July 5 , 2015

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