During pregnancy, the body goes through a lot of changes . Some of these include change  in the quantity of vaginal discharge. Normal vaginal discharge during pregnancy is called leucorrhea. It is  thin , white and milky and has a mild smell. Leucorrhea is normal during pregnancy.


During pregnancy the cervix and vaginal become soft and discharge increases to prevent any  infections from traveling from  the vagina into the uterus.  Towards the latter part of pregnancy, the amount of discharge increases and may even be confused as urine. As you near labor, the discharge contains streaks of thick mucus and some blood. This is known as “show” and occurs when the mucus plug present in the cervix during pregnancy is expelled.

vaginal discharge

You may use panty liners if it makes you more comfortable. DO NOT use tampons or douche during pregnancy.


What is abnormal vaginal discharge ?

If the vaginal discharge has a strong smell, green or yellowish in color or is accompanied by itching, it may be sign of a vaginal infection.  It could be a yeast infection or candidiasis which is very common during pregnancy. However yeast infection can easily be treated by your doctor. Another possible cause of abnormal discharge is sexually transmitted infections STI.


When should I call my doctor ?

Let your healthcare provider know  any changes in the normal vaginal discharge during pregnancy. DO NOT try to diagnose yourself. Notify your doctor if you are spotting or bleeding for more than a day  and it is accompanied by abdominal cramps.


You should also notify your doctor or midwife if vaginal discharge is colored, has a bad smell or is accompanied by itching. This could be a sign of infection.


Content Sources
Vaginal discharge during pregnancy. American Pregnancy Association. http://americanpregnancy.org/pregnancy-health/leg-cramps-during-pregnancy/. Accessed October 29 , 2014
Third trimester of pregnancy. WebMD. http://www.webmd.com/baby/guide/third-trimester-of-pregnancy. Accessed October 29, 2014
Vaginal discharge in pregnancy. NHS Choices. http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/pregnancy-and-baby/pages/vaginal-discharge-pregnant.aspx#close. Accessed October 29, 2014

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