As your body is changing during pregnancy, you may find a greater frequency of situations where you have nausea, constipation, and back pain. There are physical reasons for this.

All body organs as well as joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones are under control of the nervous system. The nerves that emerge from the spinal cord where your vertebrae are located innervate different parts of your body. If any of these nerves are impinged in any way, the organs and tissues they innervate will either lose feeling, or feel differently. It’s common to have hot and cold sensations, radiating pain, pain in one area, or other sensations such as tingling.


Why You Get Some Symptoms During Pregnancy?


The nausea you feel can be due to a bone out of alignment in your mid-back around your bra strap. The constipation could be due to the baby pressing on the low back. An adjustment to the low back and sacrum could be what you need to become regular again. Another reason for constipation is the higher levels of progesterone that occur during pregnancy. These slow down the passage of food in the intestines. However, if you’re eating enough fiber, drinking enough water and have the proper nerve flow to the colon, you won’t have constipation.


Back pain is common during pregnancy. If weight gain is more than 35 pounds, then your back has a more difficult time supporting the weight. There’s extra pressure on the nerves, arteries and veins in the back and pelvis. Your lower back curve increases because of the protruding abdomen during pregnancy, and your body tries to make adaptations in how you walk and move.


During pregnancy, there’s also an increase in a hormone called relaxin that loosens up the joints and ligaments as a preparation for birthing. This can contribute to back pain. However, all these influences don’t have to affect you and make you miserable.


How Chiropractic Treatment Helps You


Chiropractic treatments are safe for moms-to-be, and all chiropractors receive training on how to adjust you differently when you’re pregnant.


Your chiropractor can be your best friend during pregnancy. He or she will adjust your neck, back, pelvis and sacrum to insure that proper nerve flow gets to every part of your body. If your pelvis is misaligned, it’s possible that the baby’s position can end up as a breech, which puts you and your baby at risk for complications.


Here’s a list of the benefits you’ll receive from chiropractic treatment:

  1. The relief of neck, back and joint pain
  2. Less nausea during early pregnancy
  3. Healthier pregnancy
  4. Reduced labor time and delivery
  5. Greater chance of having your baby with natural childbirth
  6. Greater sense of well-being


One of the chiropractic methods developed over the years helps create the proper alignment for the pelvis and turn a breech baby. In August 2002, one medical journal reported the success rate of 82% of breech babies turning into the head-down birthing position. This technique is performed at the 8th month until birth.


With all these benefits, you may find it a no-brainer to add your chiropractor to your health care team during your pregnancy.


Source : oohs N coos parenting magazine ( summer edition)


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