Every expectant mother is so eager to know when she can hear her baby’s heart rate  for the first time.The baby’s heart starts to beat around 6 weeks of pregnancy . You will be able to hear the fetal heartbeat for the first time around 8 weeks when you have an early ultrasound. Otherwise your will be able to hear it with a fetal doppler at a regular prenatal visit as early as pregnancy week 10. However it is more common at pregnancy week 12.

fetal heartbeat


A fetal doppler  is a handheld ultrasound baby heartbeat monitor that your caregiver can use to find your baby’s heartbeat.


How early the sound can be picked depends on the following :

  • baby’s position
  • baby’s weight
  • accuracy of your due date

Checking your baby’s heartbeat is a regular part of prenatal visit. A normal fetal heartbeat is usually around 120 to 160 beats per minute. A heartbeat that is much faster or slower than usually signals a heart problem.
Content Sources

When can i hear my baby’s heartbeat. Baby Center. https://www.babycenter.com/404_when-can-i-hear-my-babys-heartbeat_10349811.bc/. Accessed November 13th, 2017

When will you hear fetal heartbeat for the fist time. What to Expect.https://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/fetal-development/fetal-heart-heartbeat-circulatory-system/. Accessed November 13th, 2017

How early can i hear my baby’s heartbeat Livestrong. https://www.livestrong.com/article/222695-how-early-can-you-hear-the-heartbeat-of-a-baby/. Accessed November 13th, 2017

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