By pregnancy week 6, you’ll definitely know that you’re pregnant and your body will show change. You’ll start feeling fuller around your abdomen, mainly because a completely new organ, placenta, has been formed within your body. Feeling emotional or even downright miserable is also quite common at this stage of pregnancy. As for the symptoms of your pregnancy, these will become more profound as you move into the sixth week of your pregnancy.

What’s Happening with Your Baby At Pregnancy Week 6?

In the sixth week, your baby will grow to approximately .25 inches in size, resembling a sweet pea. By the next week, the fetus will again double in size. Not only is your baby growing like crazy, but the development of its body is also remarkable. For instance, your baby will have a sophisticated circulation system that would be circulating blood already. Body parts like ears, eyes, nose, chin and cheeks will also start forming and some babies will start wiggling their feet and hands around this time.

The Symptoms At Pregnancy Week 6

The symptoms during pregnancy week 6 are usually the same as the last week, albeit with more intensity. You’ll continue experiencing fatigue, mood swings, tender breasts, the urge to pee and nausea throughout the day. Proper diet, vitamins and extra rest around this time is the only way you can deal with these symptoms.

What to Do

Find out what is safe for you to eat during pregnancy and learn some healthy recipes that will benefit your health. If you have pets, you might have to delegate their responsibilities to others since tasks like changing the cat litter can be dangerous. Morning sickness will be severe around this time too, so learn some handy tricks to deal with it. Finally, if you want to tell your family and friends about your pregnancy, now is the perfect time to do so.

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