Talk to your doctor if you are concerned about your baby’s weight. Your doctor will plot your baby’s growth on a chat during infancy . The chat will show his weight and length.  Later on he may calculate your baby’s BMI. You can also use the chart to compare your baby’s weight  with other infants of the same age and sex. According to the World Health Organization WHO growth chart, a baby with a weight for length greater  than the 98th percentile is considered to have a high weight to length.


baby's weight


You have to know that babies need diet high in fat to support growth during infancy.  A breastfed baby gets about half of  his or her daily calories from breastmilk. It is therefore not recommended  to restrict caloric intake for babies age 2 and under. You have to note that issues  concerning excess fat and calories may still be of concerns. Overweight babies may have delays in crawling and walking . However it is unlikely for a large baby to become an overweight child. However an obese child may likely become an overweigh adult.


How to help your baby maintain a heathy weight ?


You can help your baby maintain a healthy weight by doing the following :

  • monitor your weight gain during pregnancy.  Gaining excessive weight during pregnancy can also increase your baby’s weight at birth. Birth weight increase may also increase your child’s risk of childhood obesity
  • breastfeed your baby. This may  reduce his risk of childhood obesity
  • limit sugary drinks and offer more fruits and vegetables instead
  • limit media use . The more the child watches TV, the greater his risk of becoming overweight .


Content Sources
How can I tell if my baby’s weight is cause for concern?. Mayo Foundation . Accessed January 11, 2016

Monitoring your newborn’s weight gain. American pregnancy Association. Accessed January 11, 2016

Baby’s weight gain. Breast-feeding Basics. Accessed January 11, 2016

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