With a worryingly steep rise in childhood obesity over the last few years (especially in the 11-15 year old age group), it has become clear that there are many more factors in a child’s lifestyle that can lead to weight gain these days, than there were in previous times and with that, a potentially heightened risk of ill-health in the future. Research have shown that overweight children are far more likely to grow up to become permanently overweight adults who are at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes and serious heart conditions.

childhood obesity

what are the main causes of childhood obesity and how can parents help their kids avoid becoming overweight and lead active and healthy lives


Lack of Exercise and Obesogenic Environments


You might understandably assume that the main reason for childhood weight gain is eating too much and/or eating too much of the wrong types of food, but actually, an equal amount of children gain surplus weight due to insufficient exercise. Furthermore, the sedentary activities that are sought in lieu of exercise often encourage idle snacking. These might include computer games, watching T.V or films on the tablet and other devices. Health experts advise that children should get at least one hour of physical activity each day, however, research suggests that this is far from the case in many households.

Children can gradually become overweight because their environments do not promote or inspire active play and although some parents may encourage their children to take up occasional hobbies that include exercise, kids need to enjoy regular exercise and incorporate this into every day play.   A great way to increase activity is to limit the amount of television to two hours or less per day (that includes watching the tablet/pc etc.) and replace that time with activities that require movement. It is also quite important to be a good role model for your child because if they don’t see you doing any of the things you are telling them to do, they will be far less enthusiastic about it all.


Getting outdoors will usually entail some form of exercise and running around, so another great way to integrate more activity into your child’s life is to organize sport games in the backyard, park, beach or anywhere outdoors that has lots of space to move around. Play together as a family and you can all enjoy memorable times together as well as helping your child/children to develop an active lifestyle. An additional bonus is that your child will sleep much more soundly which in turn, will help them to reduce bad eating habits and become less likely to crave sugary treats. Learning to enjoy active hobbies at a young age can pave the way for a healthy outlook on leisure time for the future. After all, the best form of exercise is when we don’t even notice we’re doing it!



Normalizing Obesity


Another fundamental factor in the steady growth of childhood obesity is the cultural acceptance of being overweight. While it is undoubtedly a good thing that our society is far more accepting of different shapes and sizes and other differences, however, being too accepting of circumstances that can negatively affect health now and in the future is detrimental to children. Instead, gentle encouragement is required to help children chose a healthy and nutritious diet and when necessary, help to understand that over-eating and lack of exercise will lead to weight gain and potential health problems. That said, it is essential not to place too strong an importance on being slim as this can encourage eating disorders.


Easy Access to junk food


As children grow up and gain a little independence and perhaps even get a part-time job, they are far more able to access and buy their own snacks than they could when they were small. While most kids are always going to want to eat some junk food (and that is perfectly normal), this needs to be balanced with nutritious food and snacks too. The most effective way to help your kids choose a balanced diet and make healthy choices more often, is to encourage them to eat and snack healthily from a very young age, without it becoming a big deal. Make healthy foods fun and set a good example by eating a healthy diet yourself. It is also a good idea to limit the amount of junk food treats stored in the house. When children develop a taste for naturally nutritious foods, they will be more inclined to choose them over candy and chips/crisps later in life.


A little patience goes a long way


Most overweight children are very aware of their condition and want to reverse it as much as their parents do. However, they need to feel that they are loved no matter what and approaching the subject with your child will require sensitivity and understanding. If you are in this position, make sure they know that they have your full support but also, that they are in control and that you can both work it out together. Let them know that you only want the best for them and to help them gain confidence in themselves and live a long, healthy and happy life.


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