Crawling is your baby’s first way of moving around. Most babies start crawling between 7 and 10 months. Some babies may never crawl. They prefer to scoot on their bottoms or slither on their stomachs. There is no need to worry. The most important thing is that the baby gets mobile.
It is likely that your baby will learn how to crawl as soon as he is able to sit without support . Around this time , he has enough head support to be able to move his head around. His leg, arm and back muscles are also well-developed .


How to encourage baby crawling ?

You can encourage crawling in your baby by doing the following :

  • tummy time : this will help the baby develop the muscles that he will need to crawl. Tummy time also prevents babies from developing a flat spot behind their  heads  which sometimes happen to babies who spend most of their time on their backs.
  • incentives to move : You can encourage the baby to crawl by putting certain desirable objects and toys out of his reach. The American Academy of pediatrics recommend  creating obstacles using pillows, boxes and sofa cushions for the baby to  crawl over and between. It is important not to leave your baby alone. If he gets stuck between these obstacles, he may be frightened or even be in danger.
  • childproof : It is very important that your house is childproof when your child starts crawling. Keep your baby away from the stairs because it  can be dangerous. It is important to supervise your child carefully to prevent any accidents.


What do i do if my baby doesn’t crawl ?

Babies achieve different milestones at different times. However if your baby has not shown any interest in crawling, rolling, scooting or creeping or has not figured how to move his arms and legs in a coordinated motion by year 1,let your pediatrician know.


After your baby has mastered crawling , he will start pulling himself up on whatever he can reach. Very soon she will be able to stand  on his own and cruise around while holding on to furniture. She will then gradually start to walk on her own.
Content Sources

Baby milestone : crawling. Baby center. Accessed October 26, 2015
Baby Milestones Slideshow: Your Child’s First Year of Development.WebMD. Accessed October 26, 2015
Movement 8 to 12 months. American Academy of Pediatrics. Accessed October 26, 2015

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