Are you wondering if home birth is right for you ? If you are considering home birth, know the facts about what it  involves, the possible risks and how to prepare for it.

home birth

Who qualifies for home birth ?

Home birth is an option for you if you fall into the following category :

  • have a healthy, low risk pregnancy
  • want to share the experience with your family and friends
  • want to avoid an episiotomy, cesarean section, epidural and other similar intervention
  • want to be free to move around, change positions, eat or drink freely during labor or take a shower
  • want to enjoy the comfort of your home and surroundings
  • lower cost
  • cultural and religious norms or concerns


Who does not qualify for home birth ?

Home birth is not for you if :


How do midwives prepare for home birth ?

Most midwives will bring these  with them on the day of delivery :

  • oxygen, should the baby need it
  • fetoscope or  ultrasonic stethoscope
  • IV for the mom if she need nutrients or becomes dehydrated
  • medication to slow or stop hemorrhage
  • gloves that are sterilized, gauze pads, water proof covers for the bed, thermometer, cotton hats for the baby, drop cloths and a pan for sitz  bath after delivery
  • items for suturing tears
  • special herbal preparations, homeopathic remedies, massage supplies/techniques and perhaps even acupuncture needles


What happens if complications set in ?

During  complications, the mother is transferred to the hospital for delivery. Some of the reasons why the mother may be transferred to the hospital include the following :


Things you need to consider when planning for a home birth ?

Tips when considering a home birth

  • interview lots of midwives and choose a midwife who shares  your views and who you’re   comfortable with
  • you need to put your health care team together and that should include a midwife and an obstetrician
  • hire a doula
  • you need to get a plan  B just in case you need to be transferred to the hospital
  • ask your midwife if she has a backup OB/GYN
  • get a pediatrician who will examine your baby 24 hours after birth


What are the benefits of home birth ?

Some of the benefits of having your baby at home include the following :

  • it is less expensive
  • home birth gives your loved ones the opportunity  to surround you during delivery
  • it allows for instant bonding and breastfeeding

Content Sources

Home birth. American pregnancy Association. Accessed October 26, 2015
Home birth. Know the pros and cons. Mayo Foundation. Accessed October 26, 2015
The home birth choice. Midwife today. Accessed October 26, 2015

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