Overfeeding is when a bottle fed baby is consuming more milk ( breast milk or formula) than she needs for her growth and strength. This can cause discomfort in the baby because she cannot digest all the breast milk or formula adequately.


What are the signs of overfeeding

These  signs may indicated that you are overfeeding your child.

  • baby gaining average or greater than average weight
  • extreme flatulence
  • eight or more heavily wet nappies per day
  • frequent  sloppy, foul – smelling bowels motions
  • being gassy
  • irritability
  • milk regurgitation
  • sleep disturbance

These symptoms can be mistaken to be  colic, reflux , milk protein allergy or intolerance or lactose intolerance.


What are the causes a baby to overeat ?


Some of the causes of overheating include the following :

  • misinterpretation baby’s desire to suck as hunger
  • lack of sleep in baby
  • feeding too quickly
  • baby with sleep with a bottle
  • ignoring signs that indicate that the baby has had enough

How to prevent overfeeding your baby ?


Your baby gives you cues that indicate that she is hungry.  Pay attention to these cues and stop feeding when your baby has had enough. Never force a baby to take more than she wants. A baby who is full will turn away from the breast or bottle and not want to suck.



Content Sources
Overfeeding a baby. Sutter Health. http://www.sutterhealth.org/health/healthinfo/index.php?A=C&hwid=hw39751. Accessed July 14th, 2017

The dangers of overfeeding your bottle-fed baby. Kidspot. http://www.kidspot.com.au/baby/feeding/bottle-feeding/the-dangers-of-overfeeding-your-bottle-fed-baby. Accessed July 14th, 2017

How to tell if you’re overfeeding baby. The bump. https://www.thebump.com/a/overfeeding-baby. Accessed July 14th

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