Lactose intolerance is when people cannot digest lactose. This means the body does not produce enough lactase, the enzyme needed to digest lactose. Lactase is naturally made by the intestines. Without enough of this enzyme, when lactose is eaten  it doesn’t digest and causes bloating, gas,  stomach cramps and diarrhea.


lactose intolerance
Premature babies are at risk of lactose intolerance for a while.This is because a baby’s level of lactose increases during the last trimester.


True lactose intolerance usually show up later in life when your child is in grade school. Even though it  may appear earlier,  it is very unlikely that your baby is lactose intolerant.


What are the symptoms of lactose intolerance ?

Symptoms of lactose intolerance include the following :

  • diarrhea
  • bloating
  • gas
  • stomach cramps
  • nausea


How  can i tell if my child is lactose intolerant ?

One way to check if your child is lactose intolerant is to take all milk products out of his food for about 2 weeks. If symptoms improve , slowly reintroduce them in small amounts to see if symptoms return. It may be hard to remove all milk product from your child’s diet because many non diary products and prepared foods contain lactose.


If you suspect that your child has  lactose intolerance,  talk with his pediatrician. The child  may be tested. The most common test for this condition is lactose breath test. It is called the hydrogen breath test. The test measures hydrogen levels in the breath after a lactose solution is swallowed.  Hydrogen is normally found in low levels in a person’s breath. In cases where lactose isn’t digested,  it ferments in the intestines and produce hydrogen which is then exhaled through the lungs.


Your pediatrician may refer you to a specialist  who will measure lactase and other enzymes from a small intestine sample. Doctors usually obtain the sample through a diagnostic endoscopy.


How can i manage lactose intolerance in my child ?

There is no cure for lactose intolerance . However diet changes can make a huge difference in the child’s life.

  • You can use trial and error to find out how much food your child can tolerate. Lactose containing food should be avoided in young children who are lactose intolerant. These foods include milk,ice cream, soft cheese such as American cheese, cottage cheese and mozzarella. Older kids can eat lactose containing foods especially if they are eaten as part of a meal and not eaten alone. However most children can keep eating yogurt and aged cheese such as swiss , cheddar and parmesean
  • give the child over the counter lactase right before each meal. This will help the body digest lactose containing foods
  • give your child lactose free or lactose reduced foods, milk and other diary products.


Lactose intolerance should not make your child’s life miserable . Talk to your pediatrician about the many options your child has.
Content Sources

Lactose intolerance in children. American Academy of Pediatrics. Accessed November 5, 2015
Milk allergy in infants. Nemours Foundation. Accessed November 5, 2015
Lactose intolerance in children. Baby center. Accessed November 5, 2015

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