Potty trained toddler beginning to have accidents


It is not unusual for children who have been potty trained to have accidents.  This regression is usually temporary. However if he seems to be having  accidents and complaining about pain, then your need to have him seen by a doctor to rule out any medical cause. It is not uncommon for children to suffer from urinary tract infections. This can cause accidents in an already potty trained toddler . However there child will have other symptoms such as

  • fever
  • painful  urination
  • change in urine color

potty trained toddler

Untreated UTI can lead to kidney infection so it is important to see the doctor right away.


Other reasons why your potty trained toddler may have accidents include:

  • diabetes
  • constipation
  • bladder issues such as overactive bladder or immature bladder
  • stress or anxiety


You have to be concerned if your child is fully pottery trained and start having serious regressions such as bowel accidents or night time wetting. If all possible causes have been rules out and this problem still persists, talk to your doctor if a developmental assessment is necessary.




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