Douching is  washing or cleaning the inside of the vagina using water  or a mixture of other fluids. Most douches are sold in stores . They  come in   pre packaged mixes of water and vinegar, baking soda or iodine. They are sold in a bag or bottle  and are  sprayed through a tube upward into the vagina.


In the United States, this  practice is common among American women ages of  15 to 44  and it is done on a regular basis. Half of these women douche every week.

Is douching safe ?


Most doctors do not recommend douching. It changes the  flora and natural acidity of a healthy vagina.


A healthy vagina has both good and harmful bacteria. The acidic environment is maintained by the bacteria which protects the vagina from infection or irritation.


Douching can cause these  bacteria to overgrow which can lead to bacteria vaginosis and yeast infection.  If you already have a vaginal infection, douching can push the bacteria and this can cause infection in the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. This can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease PID.


What is the effect of douching in  pregnancy ?


It can make it difficult to get pregnant. It can also cause pregnancy complications such as ectopic pregnancy. Women who douche are increased risk of damage to the fallopian tubes. It may also increase your risk for premature delivery.


What is the healthiest way to wash my  vagina ?

The vagina cleans itself naturally by producing mucous. It washes away blood , semen and vaginal discharge. Letting  your vagina clean itself is the best way.


If you are worried about vaginal odor, talk to your health care professional.


You can also keep  the vagina clean by washing the outside with warm water when you bathe. Some women use mild soap. Note that if  you have sensitive skin, even a mild soap can cause irritation and dryness.



Avoid scented tampons, sprays, powders and pads. These products may increase your risk of vaginal infections.



Content Sources
Douching fact sheet. Women’s Accessed February 2, 2016

Id douching while pregnant harmful. Live strong. Accessed February 2, 2016

Vaginal douching. WebMD. Accessed February 2, 2016

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