What is yeast infection ?

Yeast infection during pregnancy is a very common . Yeast infection is   also known as vaginal candidiasis or yeast vaginitis.  It is caused by candida albicans. Yeast is a fungus that normally lives in small quantities in the vagina. However when it grows so fast that it out numbers other competing micro organisms, it causes a problem.
yeast infection during pregnancy

What causes yeast infection ?


During pregnancy, the higher oestrogen level causes the vagina to produce more glycogen. This makes it easier for yeast to grow there.
Other causes of yeast infection include :

  • taking antibiotics or steroids
  • vaginal intercourse
  • douching
  • taking hormones or birth control
  • diabetes
  • blood or semen


What are the symptoms of yeast infection?


Symptoms of  yeast infection include :

  • painful intercourse
  • burning and itching of the vagina and labia
  • vulvar soreness and irritation
  • painful urination
  • abnormal vaginal discharge  that is usually white, similar to cottage cheese . The color may be greenish or yellowish


How is yeast infection diagnosed ?


If you think you have a yeast infection, go and see your doctor. He will take a swab of your vaginal discharge and examine it  under the microscope. This is done to confirm the yeast infection and rule out other causes of your symptoms. If your results  come back positive, your doctor will recommend over the counter or prescription antifungal creams or  suppositories that are safe during pregnancy.


How is yeast infection during pregnancy treated ?

If you are pregnant and have a yeast infection, your doctor will recommend only creams and suppositories. Oral medication has been proven not to be safe during pregnancy and lactation.


If yeast infection is left untreated, it will be passed on to your baby’s mouth during delivery. This may result in thrush which is effectively treated with Nystatin.


Yeast infection may take 10 to 14 days to finally clear up. It may be helpful to use starch-free drying powder, or Nystatin powder  after infection has cleared and sores have healed. This will prevent recurrent infection


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