Pregnancy can be tough. Some people usually get around difficult situations with their favorite comfort food or drink. You may also be among the many people who usually unwind with a glass of wine at the end of the day. You may however be wondering if drinking wine during pregnancy can affect on your pregnancy and unborn child.

Is wine safe during pregnancy ?

Excessive drinking during pregnancy is known to cause pregnancy complications due to the alcohol. These risks may not be a problem if drinking is occasional . However, despite these  information, the safest way is to avoid  drinking during pregnancy.  You should note that no amount of wine is considered safe during pregnancy and should be avoided .


What risks do i face for drinking  wine during pregnancy ?

Drinking alcohol puts your baby at risk of fetal alcohol syndrome. This condition occurs when the mother drinks  excessive alcohol during pregnancy. The alcohol passes through the placenta into the baby’s blood stream. This can cause physical abnormalities, metal retardation and  birth defects. The effect of alcohol during pregnancy will occur after the baby is born and as they grow up.


There is no minimum amount of alcohol that is known to cause fetal alcohol syndrome that is why it is safe to avoid alcohol altogether during pregnancy.


There are some doctors who may tell you that occasional drinking may not have any impact on your baby. At this point , it is left at your own discretion. However you should note that alcohol may have an effect on your baby even when taken in moderation. The best thing you can do for your baby is to avoid alcohol and pose no harm to him.


If you have a drinking problem, let your health care provider know so that he can take steps to help you quit.
Content Sources

Wine during pregnancy . American pregnancy Association. Accessed June 6, 2015
Alcohol and Pregnancy Questions and Answers. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC. Accessed June 6, 2015
Drinking alcohol during pregnancy. WebMD. Accessed June 6, 2015

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