Having a new baby can be exciting but it can also be overwhelming and exhausting. The endless feedings, sleepless night and other chores cause many new moms to be very tired. It may be hard to combine taking care of newborn, caring for the  family, yourself and your home. Postpartum fatigue is normal but medical conditions such as hypothyroidism and anemia may also cause it. You can take these steps to regain your energy and overcome postpartum fatigue.

postpartum fatigue

Ways to overcome postpartum fatigue .


Get enough rest : It will be very difficult to get a solid  6 to 8 hours rest once the baby arrives. You can take these steps to get the rest you need.

  • you need to sleep when the baby sleep even if it’s a short nap
  • let the baby sleep in a baby’s room especially if the baby’s cooing and restlessness keeps you up at night
  • cut back on household chores such as laundry, dishes and cleaning and make time to sleep
  • limit visitors as much as you can to get the needed rest

Eat healthy : Eating the right food and drinking enough water can help you regain your energy.


Stay active : Exercising can give you enough energy during the day. Engage in some physical activities such as walking and jogging.


Get help : As much as you wish to do everything all by yourself. It is okay to get help so that you can get the necessary rest you need. Ask  your partner, family and friends for help. You also do the following :

  • share nighttime parenting jobs
  • take babysitter offers from trusted friends and family
  • if you can, hire someone to help


Content Sources
New mom fatigue. March of Dimes. http://www.marchofdimes.org/pregnancy/new-mom-fatigue.aspx. Accessed March 12, 2015.

Your Postpartum Fatigue Could Be A Sign Of Thyroid Problems. Hypothyroid moms. http://hypothyroidmom.com/your-postpartum-fatigue-could-be-a-sign-of-thyroid-problems/Accessed March 12, 2015

Postpartum fatigue. Babycenter. http://www.babycenter.com/0_postpartum-fatigue-how-to-cope_1152217.bc?showAll=true. Accessed March 12,, 2015.


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