Your bundle of joy is here and you are filled with excitement and joy. The reality to lose the weight you gained during pregnancy sets in. If you were a normal weight and  gained the right amount of weight during pregnancy, it shouldn’t take you more than a couple of  months to get the baby weight off. However, if you were overweight before pregnancy and you  gained more weight than expected, it could take you up to a year to get the weight off.

losing baby weight

You however need to be patient with yourself. You have to lose weight in a way that is good for the body.


Tips for losing baby weight

Breastfeeding : Breastfeeding is not only good for babies, it’s also good for moms.  It helps new moms burn more calories. Breastfeeding moms lose pregnancy weight faster than mothers who  feed their babies on formula only.


Eat healthy : Watching what you eat is key in helping you lose weight and is also good for your overall health. The foods you choose should involve the following

  • fruits and vegetables
  • protein such milk, egg , poultry, fish and beans
  • whole grains
  • low-fat dairy

It is also important to eat smaller portions. You should note  that many restaurants feed meals that are 2 or 3 times larger than the normal size you need to eat.


You should  use healthy cooking methods such as baking, broiling, steaming and boiling. Avoid frying because it adds unhealthy fat to the meal. You should  use less sugar, fat and cream in your recipes and use low calories substitution such as 1 percent milk instead of whole milk.


Stay well hydrated : Drink enough water throughout the whole day. It helps fill you up so that  you don’t eat as much. It may also speeds up metabolism.


Stay active : Exercise is essential during and after pregnancy. You can start exercising after pregnancy as soon as you feel right. Ask your health care provider before your start exercising. Exercising can help you lose weight as well as give you energy to care for your newborn. Exercising should include walking, swimming and some aerobics. Stretching exercises also helps improve your flexibility and movement.


Get enough rest : Being sleep deprived can make it harder for you to lose the baby weight. It makes you tired and your body releases cortisol and other stress hormones that promote weight gain.

Content Sources

Losing baby weight. March of Dimes. Accessed March 17, 2015.

8 Tips for Losing Weight After Pregnancy. WebMD. Accessed March 17, 2015

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