Women can safely have 3 c-sections even though there is no research to support the specific limit. Each repeat C-section is more complicated than the previous.


Some women experience slight complications such as heavy bleeding with  every c-section . If you suffered from a long and difficult labor before your first c-section, a repeat c-section wont be a big problem. The healing process will take as long or longer if you had complications.
repeat c-section
In women such as those  who develop serious uterus scarring and adhesions, the risk associated with each c-section is high.


What are the concerns of a repeat c-section ?


A repeat c section increases your risk for the following complications.


Placenta problems : The increased number of repeat C-section you have, the higher your risk of developing problems with the placenta such as placenta previa and placenta accreta.


Heavy bleeding : This is possible after any c-section however the risk increases with every repeat c section. The risk of needing a hysterectomy (surgical removal of the uterus ) to control life-threatening bleeding increases with each c-section.


Weak uterine wall : Each uterine incision leaves a weak spot on the uterine wall. This may have an effect on future pregnancies.


Injuries to the bladder : Bladder injuries are not common with initial c-sections. Your risk increases  as the number of c – sections increases.  This increased risk may be due to  scar-like tissues that developed after a previous c-section, binding the bladder to the uterus.


Adhesions : These are bands of scar-like tissues that develop during the healing process of a C-section. They form  between two surfaces inside the body and cause them to stick together. Your risk increases significantly with each repeat c section.


It is very important to discuss thoroughly with your doctor the risk associated with having more than 3 C-sections.
Content Sources

How many C-sections can a woman safely have? Mayo Clinic. http://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/c-section/expert-answers/c-sections/faq-20058380. Accessed February 23, 2015
How many c section can you have. New health guide. http://www.newhealthguide.org/How-Many-C-Sections-Can-You-Have.html.Accessed February 23 , 2015.. Accessed February 23,
C – sections. Nemours Foundation. http://kidshealth.org/parent/pregnancy_center/childbirth/c_sections.html.Accessed February 23, 2014.

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