During pregnancy a lot of changes go on in your body. Afte birth  , you experience  strange post pregnancy body changes you never saw coming. Some of these changes are physical and others are emotional.
post pregnancy body changes

8 post pregnancy body changes

Hair loss : During pregnancy , your hair  seem heavier and  fuller. After the baby is born, your hair may start to thin out . They may even fall out. Hair loss usually stops 3 to 4 months after delivery of the baby.


Swollen hands and feet : Swelling  (edema)  is normal after delivery. This is caused by the extra fluid in the body that helped you get ready for labor and delivery. The uterus squeezes blood into the body after delivery. You may also have had IV fluids during labor. All these fluids get dumped in your feet or hands. This swelling goes away  within 7 to 10 days after delivery.


You may also find your shoe size to be larger than normal even after the swelling goes down. This may be due to hormones such as relaxin which relaxes ligaments in the body to prepare for child-birth. This increase in shoe size may be permanent for some people.


Incontinence : Postpartum incontinence is normal. It does not happen to everyone and will not last forever. You may use sanitary pads and visit the bathroom more often. You can also engage in kegel exercises to strengthen your pelvic muscles.


Breast engorgement : This is the swelling of the breast as it fills with milk. The breast becomes bigger and   hard as a rock. This should however go away once you start to breastfeed. If you are not breastfeeding, it may last until you stop  making milk.


Vaginal discharge : This is also known as lochia. It is the fluid that comes out through the vagina. This is your body getting rid of the fluid and tissues that was inside your uterus. The discharge may be heavy , bright red and contain some blood clots in the beginning. As times goes on, it becomes lighter and the flow is less. This may last for a couple of weeks to a month. You can use sanitary pads until the discharge goes away.


Bulge belly : Many women assume that once you deliver your baby, you belly gets back to normal. That is not the case. It take about 4 to 6 weeks  for your belly to get close to it’s normal size. It may take 9 months to a year to get to what is considered normal. This bulge may still remain due to loose abdominal muscles. Exercise can help you burn calories and tone the abdominal muscles.


Hemorrhoids  : They are painful, swollen veins around the anus. They are common during pregnancy and may get worse after delivery. The following can help relieve your symptoms.

  • stay well hydrated
  • soak in a warm bath
  • eat foods loaded with fiber such as fruits, vegetables and whole grain
  • with the okay of your health care provider, use  an over-the-counter spray or cream to help relieve pain

Afterbirth pains : These are cramps you experience as your uterus gets  back to it’s normal size. Your  uterus is round and hard and weighs about 2 ½ pounds right after birth. By about 6 weeks, it will weigh only about 2 ounces. The cramps usually last a few days. Over the counter pain medications may help.
Content Sources

Your body after the baby. The first 6 weeks. March of Dimes. http://www.marchofdimes.org/pregnancy/your-body-after-baby-the-first-6-weeks.aspx. Accessed February 19, 2015.
6 Post-Pregnancy Body Changes You Didn’t Expect. WebMD. http://www.webmd.com/parenting/baby/features/post-pregnancy-body-changes?page=2. Accessed February 19, 2015
You straight after baby. NHS Choices. http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/pregnancy-and-baby/pages/you-after-birth.aspx. Accessed February 19, 2015

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