What is umbilical cord prolapse ?


pregnant woman

It is a pregnancy complication that occurs before or during delivery. This occurs when the umbilical cord passes through the cervix into the vagina, ahead or at the same time as the baby. This may result in the cord being trapped around the baby’s body during delivery – a condition that can decrease or completely cut off blood flow and oxygen to the baby. Umbilical cord prolapse may result in still birth if baby is not delivered right away.

What causes umbilical cord prolapse?

This pregnancy complication is caused by the following factors.

  • excessive amniotic fluid
  • breech delivery
  • unusually long umbilical cord
  • premature delivery
  • multiple babies in one pregnancy


How would I know I have umbilical cord prolapse ?

The only symptom of umbilical cord prolapse is seeing or feeling the umbilical cord in the vagina before the delivery of the baby.


Are there any treatment options for umbilical cord prolapse ?

Treatment options for umbilical cord prolapse include the following :


  • rapid delivery if the mother is ready to deliver. Forceps or a vacuum extractor may be used to deliver baby quickly
  • c- section delivery
  • The doctors may try to move the baby away from the cord to prevent cutting off oxygen supply to the baby. This will reduce the pressure from the cord. The mother may also be asked to move into a position to protect the baby.


Content Sources
Umbilical Cord Prolapse – Complications. Cleveland Clinic. http://my.clevelandclinic.org/healthy_living/pregnancy/hic_umbilical_cord_prolapse.aspx. Accessed June 11, 2014

Umbilical cord prolapse . Department of Pediatrics . Langone Medical Center .http://pediatrics.med.nyu.edu/conditions-we-treat/conditions/umbilical-cord-prolapse. Accessed June 11, 2014

Umbilical Cord Prolapse. The Merck Manual for Health Care Professionals. Accessed June 11, 2014

Umbilical cord abnormalities. March of Dimes. http://www.marchofdimes.com/pregnancy/umbilical-cord-abnormalities.aspx. Accessed June 11, 2014

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