When to wean the baby off the  pacifier


It may be beneficial for your child to suck on a pacifier. This is because it is linked to a lower risk of Sudden Infant death Syndrome SIDS. However after the  6 months of age ,  the pacifier is of much less use. It  is more of a habit. Some health care professional recommend weaning the child of the binky around 6 to  12 months  especially when the baby is prone to ear infections. This is because continued used of pacifier in especially 2 and 3 year olds increases the risk of ear infections.




However most children use a pacifier into toddler and even preschool years  and typically stop on their own  between the ages of 2 to 4 years. These kids use the pacifier as a transition object . They use it to relieve stress and help them adjust to challenging situations such as starting daycare.


If the pacifier gives the child great comfort, its okay to let him use it for a while longer. However if the child shows no signs of quitting , you may need to eventually wean him off it when he is about 3 or 4.


Long term use of the pacifier can cause the child’s upper teeth to tip forward towards the lips and lead to dental problems. It is a  good idea to let the child stop the use of a pacifier before the permanent teeth comes  in around age 4 to 6.


Some experts also believe the use of a pacifier can delay speech development. If the child has a pacifier in his mouth , he is less likely to practice talking.


You can wean the child of the binky gradually. You may start by limiting its use during the day and work your way through night time routine.



Content Sources
When should my baby stop using a pacifier. Baby Center. https://www.babycenter.com/404_when-should-my-baby-stop-using-a-pacifier_1368496.bc. Accessed October 25th, 2017

Colgate. How long should a child use pacifier. http://www.colgate.com/en/us/oc/oral-health/life-stages/infant-oral-care/article/how-long-should-a-baby-use-a-pacifer-1213. Accessed October 25th, 2017

Should you give your baby a pacifier. WebMD. https://www.webmd.com/parenting/baby/features/using-pacifiers#1. Accessed October 25th, 2017

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