Your toddler is more interested in what you’re eating. You can encourage his interest in feeding himself with these tips to make meals a time for exploring and learning.

  1. Mealtime should be served approximately the same time every day. 
  2. Don’t worry about the floor. Use disposable tablecloths or newspaper.
  3. Teach your toddler to be an adventurous eater. Explore a range of flavors.
    • Salty 
    • Sweet 
    • Sour 
    • Bitter
  4. Finger foods are more readily accepted than those requiring a fork and spoon.
  5. Allow children to eat until they are full. Never force a child to eat or use food as a reward.
  6. Small portions are more readily accepted. Oversize servings can serve as a discouragement.
  7. Avoid small and round, hard or tough-to-chew foods in children 3 or 4 years old as they may present a choking hazard. Examples of these types of foods include grapes, hot dogs, hard candy, nuts, popcorn, raw carrots and raisins.
  8. Mealtimes should be relaxed and pleasant. 

Content Sources

3 essential tips for feeding toddlers. Baby center. Accessed June 21st,2023

15 tips fpe feeding toddlers and preschoolers. The children. Https:// Accessed June 20th, 2023

Toddler nutrition. Johns Hopkins University. Https:// Accessed June 21,2023


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