• Bath your baby 3 times a week. Bathing your baby more frequently may dry out the baby’s skin.
  • Use gentle products without dyes, fragrances and parabens. This goes for everything that touches the baby’s skin including shampoo, soap, lotion and laundry detergent.
  • Wash new baby clothes. This will remove substances that may irritate your baby’s skin. You should also remove any tags on the outfits that may scratch your baby’s skin.
  • Baby’s do not have much control over their limbs. Keep baby’s nails short because it’s easy for them to scratch themselves with their sharp little nails.
  • It is important to wipe away drool because the constant presence of saliva on your baby’s chin and neck can cause irritation. Dab it away gently with a soft cloth. Change the baby’s bib when it gets wet.
  • Wear protective clothing and sunscreen when in the sun, give your baby a hat and choose a shaded area over direct sunlight.
  • Avoid picking at your baby’s skin. Picking at flakes or pumps can cause irritation and infection. These things will go away on their own.







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