It can be difficult to get a baby off the bottle.Babies need to come off the bottle by 18 months.  The longer the baby is on the bottle, the more difficult it is to break the habit. Being on the bottle for too long can also lead to cavities and cause the child to drink more milk that she needs.


Time the transition

It is recommended by most doctors that you start introducing  the cup to the baby around 6 months old. The baby may create some mess at first but by 12 months , most babies will have the coordination and hand skills they need to hold a cup and drink from it.


If you are still breastfeeding , you can continue but you may want to offer the baby the milk in a cup.


Ways to get the baby off the bottle


Taking the baby off the bottle may not be easy. However you can try these different ways .


Eliminate the bottle    from the feeding schedule, starting at mealtimes rather than taking them all away. For example, if your baby usually drinks three bottles each day, start by eliminating the morning bottle. Instead of giving a bottle right away, bring your baby to the table and after the feeding has started, offer milk from a cup.

You can explain to the child that she a big girl and no longer needs the bottle and that its time to  use  a cup like big girls do. You can even make it into a ceremony to make the child feel good about moving on.


Other ways include  the following :

  • Sippy cups can help ease the transition. Dentists  recommend sippy cups with a hard spout or a straw, rather than ones with soft spouts.
  • Offer the child lots of praise when she uses the cup. This will encourage her to use it.
  • Get rid of the bottles or  keep them out of sight.
  • Some kids use the bottle for soothing or comfort. If the child keeps  asking for the bottle, give her hug hug, sit down and play with the child or comfort the child. If its other needs such as the child is hungry or thirsty, provide food on a plate and water in a cup.

If you have concerns about taking your baby off the bottle, talk to your doctor.




Content Sources
Stopping the bottle. Nemour’s Foundation. Accessed May 21st, 2018

Say goodbye to the bottle and sippy cup. Cleveland Clinic. Accessed May 21st, 2018
How to transition from a baby bottle to a cup. WebMD. . Accessed May 21st, 2018

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