Over the counter medication

Over the counter medications or  OTC are medications  bought in stores off the shelves. Some of the common reasons why people use over the counter medications include the following :

over the counter medications

Fever and pain : Acetaminophen and ibuprofen are common medications that can help children feel better if they have  a headache, body ache or fever.


Acetaminophen comes in a liquid, chewable and suppository form if your child is vomiting and cannot  take medicine by mouth. Ibuprofen comes in  concentrate drops for infants, liquid (in the form of syrup or elixir) for toddlers and chewable tablets for older kids.


It is important to  make sure you read the instructions on the medication label carefully so that you know the right dosage for your child. Consult your pediatrician or pharmacist if you have any questions.


Acetaminophen is common in many OTC and prescription medications. If your child is taking more than one medication, read the instructions carefully to prevent an overdose.



Aspirin is medication taken  by adults for cough and cold. However it should never be given to children unless your doctor tells you to. Children who take aspirin are at a greater risk of  getting a serious illness called Reye’s  syndrome.


Cold and cough : It is the recommendation of the American Academy of Pediatrics that OTC cough and cold medication  not be given to infants and small children. This is because they have not been proven to be effective and can be harmful. Consult your doctor if your infant has  a cold or cough. He may recommend other cough and cold remedies such as nasal sprays or drops for children and bulb suctioning of the nose for  babies.


Stuffy nose : Your doctor may advise you to use saline drops or spray  for stuffy nose.


Allergy, itching : Antihistamines are used to treat children’s runny nose, sneezing and itchy eyes due to allergies. They can also reduce itching from chicken pox , insect bites and other rashes including hives.


Rash , itching : Hydrocortisone  cream or ointment is used for itching from bug bites, skin rashes such as poison ivy and eczema.


Wound, cuts and scrapes : Antibiotic ointment is used to prevent or control infection in wounds, cuts and scrapes.


Constipation : OTC treatment for constipation includes  stool softeners , enemas, laxatives and suppositories.  Consult your doctor if your child is having a hard stool, blood or pain with bowel movement. This is because some constipation medication may be too harsh for kids.


Content Sources
Common over the counter medications. American Academy of Pediatrics. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/at-home/medication-safety/Pages/Common-Over-the-Counter-Medications.aspx Accessed April 18th, 2018

Making sense of OTC medication use in kids. WebMD. https://www.webmd.com/children/features/making-sense-otc-drug-use-kids#1. Accessed April 18th, 2018

OTC cough and cold medicine and my child. American Academy of Family Physicians. https://familydoctor.org/otc-cough-and-cold-medicines-and-my-child/. Accessed April 18th, 2018

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