The effect of teething on breastfeeding


If you are worried about your baby’s teething interfering with breastfeeding , you have to know that some mother’s sail through this developmental milestone with no issues.


Babies have different teething experiences.  Some have a little discomfort while other goes through severe  symptoms such as swollen gums that can be quite painful and makes sucking uncomfortable. Most babies nurse through the pain because breast-feeding is comforting for them.


If your baby does stop nursing ( nursing strike ),  it generally lasts only a couple of days. You should continue to offer the breast if the baby indicates any desires to eat. If she still refuses the breast, pump milk to keep up with the milk supply. You can offer the child a little cup if she refuses the bottle.


Teething can have an effect on breastfeeding if the baby starts using your nipple to teethe on. Sometimes even the startled reaction of a mother to being bitten is enough to discourage the baby from doing this. You may be able to  prevent this biting altogether by massaging the baby’s gum with your fingers before feeding. If the baby keeps biting,  it could also be that she is full. Most babies start biting when they don’t want anymore milk. However if the baby is not done feeding,  wait about 15 minutes or so and start feeding again. You can also try different breastfeeding  positions  and make sure the baby latches well.


It is important to get enough teething rings  for your baby. The ones that cool in the refrigerator are particularly soothing for gums.


You can also call a doctor or lactation consultant if you need help.



Content Sources
Will my baby’s teething interfere with breastfeeding? Baby Center. Accessed September 1st, 2017

Do I Need to Stop Breastfeeding When My Baby Gets Teeth?La Leche League International . Accessed September 1st, 2017

Teething and Biting. Breastfeeding Basics. Accessed September 1st, 2017

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