Vaginal seeding is the practice of placing a gauze inside the vagina of a woman who is having a cesarean. After child birth, the gauze is used to wipe the baby’s mouth, face and skin. The theory is that it is done so that it transfers vaginal microbiome to  the baby which will have occurred in the process of vaginal delivery. Micobiome is the microorganisms in a particular environment (including the body or a part of the body).


vaginal seeding


Why do people practice vaginal seeding ?


Babies born through cesarean

  • are at increased risk of obesity, autoimmune conditions which are associated with changes in the microbiome
  • have different microbiomes than  those born vaginally

However the question is could vaginal seeding  help restore  the micobiomes of babies born through c-section to a more natural state. Some people think so however further research is needed to see the long term benefits of this practice.


You have to be aware that this procedure carries risks.  Vaginal infection such as  Group B streptococcus, herpes, chlamydia and gonorrhea could be passed on to the baby through the swapping . Your hospital or doctor may not have the proper protocol in place to practice vaginal seeding and may  recommend against this.


You can protect your baby’s  microbiome by breastfeeding and by not giving him antibiotics unnecessarily.



Content Sources
Vaginal seeding after a C-section: Get the facts. Mayo Foundation. . Accessed June 20th, 2017

Seeding Your C-Section Baby with Vaginal Fluids. What to expect. Accessed June 20th, 2017

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