Are you going back to work or returning to school after childbirth ? You will probably need to pump and store breastmilk for several times you are away from the baby.


There are many options for obtaining a pump. If you have insurance, the cost of a pump may be covered by your insurance company.


breast pump


If you have WIC, you can get a pump from the office at no cost once the baby is born.


What type of pump do i need ?


There are different types of breast pumps available.  A single sided electric pump allows you to pump one breast at a time. A double sided electric pump allows you to pump from both breasts simultaneously.


There is also the manual pump. It creates a suction using a handle or other system that you operate, no electricity is required. However an electric pump allows you to pump out your milk without much effort.


How to start pumping breastmilk

It is essential to wash your hands before pumping. You also have to make sure that parts of the pump are clean. You can minimize your stress by pumping or collecting milk using a milk saver  as early as possible.


Working and breastfeeding mothers usually worry if they will have enough milk for their return to work or school. It is important to start collecting milk before you need it. This will make you feel confident that you have enough milk stored.



Content Sources
Preparing to breast pump.American Pregnancy Association. Accessed February 15, 2016

Breast pumping and bottle feeding. Baby center. Accessed February 15, 2016

Pumping and breastmilk storage. Accessed February 15, 2016

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