During birth and immediately after birth,the delivery room staff  is  on the alert of the possibility of hypoxia in your newborn. Hypoxia is caused by lack of oxygen to the brain. This can be very dangerous to the baby and requires prompt medical response to detect and prevent complications that occur.




The health care team can prepare in advance for the possibility of hypoxia and take steps to prevent it by a thorough assessment of the known risk factors prior to birth.


What causes hypoxia in  a newborn ?


This condition is caused by reduction of oxygen supply to the brain. A common cause of hypoxia is problems with the respiratory system that prevents the newborn from getting enough oxygen. Hypoxia can develop rapidly when a newborn does not take breathe soon after birth. A baby with umbilical cord wrapped around her neck can also develop hypoxia as a result of the cord choking off oxygen  supply to the brain.


In some cases, an underlying medical  condition  can cause hypoxia to develop more slowly and the baby’s blood oxygen level will decline in  the course of a few hours or even days until the situation is urgent. This condition can lead to brain damage or death  if not treated.



How is hypoxia treated ?


Hypoxia is a medical emergency. After childbirth, the delivery room doctors and nurses will assess the baby for typical responses , behavior and physical condition. If the baby shows any signs of hypoxia such as abnormal coloring or behavioral problems, the first response is to restore oxygen flow to the brain to prevent any further brain damage.


This can only be done if the reason for hypoxia is known  so that medical team subjects the baby to a range of test including blood test, blood pressure and heart beat monitoring , ultrasounds  and x-rays to determine the source of the problem so that it can be fixed as soon as possible.


How can hypoxia be prevented ?


You need to monitor carefully babies that  are born under conditions that may lead to hypoxia and preventive care taken when needed. During childbirth the doctor or midwife typically checks the umbilical cord  for any signs of knots or looping around the neck. They physically try to adjust it as the baby is being born to prevent problems.


Clearing the airway after the baby is delivered is also another way to prevent this condition especially if the child has inhaled  meconium shortly before birth. Fetal heart rate monitoring is also good in preventing hypoxia because it may indicate the need for a cesarean section.


If the baby is treated immediately after  birth and the condition is corrected immediately, he may be able to make a full recovery. The longer the brain is without oxygen, the more complicated the result will be. Damage caused by this condition is irreversible and may result in life long problems. Potential complications include cerebral palsy, mental retardation and learning disabilities.




Content Sources
Hypoxia of a newborn. Live strong. http://www.livestrong.com/article/494818-hypoxia-of-a-newborn/. Accessed September 26, 2016

Perinatal hypoxia. Birth Injury Guides. http://www.birthinjuryguide.org/birth-injury/causes/perinatal-hypoxia/ . Accessed September 26, 2016

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