You may have heard  news reports saying that is okay to eat during labor. Don’t be quick to grab a pizza on your way to the hospital.


The reason it  has always been advised to avoid food during labor is to protect the pregnant woman. It protects her from aspirating  into her lungs. If a woman eats and then needs an emergency c section, she may be at risk of aspirating during surgery. This can lead to pneumonia. The  risk is high in women given general anesthesia during surgery.




However very few women are given general anesthesia during delivery even when they deliver through c section. Changes in anesthesia has also reduced the risk of vomiting.


As a result doctor have begun to relax a little bit the once strict  policy about eating and drinking during pregnancy.


Recommendations of the  American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) on eating and drinking during labor


Women with uncomplicated pregnancies  may drink modest amounts of clear fluids such as water, juice, carbonated beverages,black coffee , tea or sports drink. However ACOG is still against eating solid foods during  labor.


Labor can be demanding and leave the pregnant woman feeling exhausted. A little light food early in labor may not hurt.




Before you decide on whether to eat or drink during labor, you need to discuss it with your health care provider. He will let you know his recommendations.




Content Sources
Eating and drinking during labor. Baby center. Accessed April 12, 2016

Eating, Drinking May Be OK During Labor. WebMD. Accessed April 12, 2016

Oral Intake During Labor.American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Accessed April 12, 2016

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