How is your 38 week old baby doing


Your baby understands some of the words he’s been hearing since birth. His  babbling may start to sound like real words, phrases and sentences now.  Your baby actually thinks he is saying something so respond when he talks to you.
38 week old baby



Your baby is abe to understand more from your tone than your words. He  can tell when you are sad or pleased. The more you talk to your baby, the more he learns about communication.


Your life


As your little one becomes more mobile, it may be difficult to keep your house clean. If you are stress out about trying to keep your house clean, remember it is not easy to maintain a clutter free house where kids are involved.


Focus on specific goals that are  attainable . Take care of necessities first and then move on to more complex goals. If you are too overwhelmed, get help from  a housekeeping company to help get things back on track.


It will also be helpful to share your frustration with other parents. They may have some tips that may help.

Content Sources

9 month 3 week. Baby center. Accessed April 2, 2016

9 month old baby. What to expect. Accessed April 2, 2016

Your baby’s development by week. Parents. Accessed March 2, 2016

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