Is your toddler  refusing to eat or will rather play than eat ? You are not alone. Toddlers tend to be picky eaters. Their favorite  food will one day tend to be something they hate the most. Likewise the food they spit out today will one the be their most favorite food . This may get parents wondering  if their children  are  getting the required nutrients they need. There are ways to deal with pick eaters while making sure they get their required nutrition .


picky eaters


Tips on how to deal with picky eaters.


These tips may help you deal with your picky eaters

  • respect your child’s appetite.  Dont force or bribe your toddler to eat certain foods. This will only ignite struggle over the food. It may also give the child anxiety during mealtime
  • serve meals the same time each day. You can offer 100% fruits juice or milk with food but reserve water till after meals. Limit snacks, juice and milk during the day to increase your child’s appetite for meals
  • make meals fun and be creative. Cut foods into various shapes and serve vegetables like broccoli with their favorite sauce or dip. Add vegetables such as broccoli to spaghetti.
  • be patient when you introduce new food. Your child may need repeated exposure before getting use to it
  • get your child involved.  Get your child’s help with selecting fruits,  vegetables and other healthy foods at the grocery store. At home, encourage your child to get involved with food preparation such as  washing vegetables.
  • set a good example by eating good food and your children will follow suit
  • minimize distractions  by turning off electrical gadgets  during meal time

You can also try giving your child finger foods and snacks that they eat themselves. Offer them healthy options such as slices of banana. Avoid finger foods that can increase your child’s risk of choking such as

  • raw carrots
  • raw celery
  • whole grapes
  • peanuts and other nuts
  • round hard candy


Content Sources
Picky eaters.America Academy pediatrics. Accessed February 12, 2016

Children’s nutrition: 10 tips for picky eaters. Mayo Foundation. Accessed February 12, 2016

How to handle picky eaters. Zero to three. Accessed February 12, 2016

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