You are probably among the many people who wonder if it is safe to eat honey during pregnancy.  The good news is you can continue to enjoy honey during pregnancy as long as it is pasteurized. The pasturization kills any disease causing bacteria that  can be dangerous to you and your unborn child. During pregnancy , you always have to avoid anything unpasteurized such as unpateurized milk and cheese.





What are the benefits of honey ?


It  is composed mainly of glucose, fructose and other sugars. Some of its benefits include :

  • boosting the immune system
  • neutralizing stomach acids and therefore easing heartburn
  • soothing sore throat
  • helps wounds heal faster
  • help with minor burns



It is important to make sure that the honey you’re consuming is pasteurized. Most commercially sold honey have gone through pasteurization. You have to be extra careful when buying from farmers market or farm stand.  Check labels and if you are not really sure if  it  is pasteurized, do not consume.


You should also note that honey poses risk to children under the age of 1. This is because it may contain spores of bacteria which causes botulism. These bacterial thrive well in areas of low acidity.  They are able to survive and cause disease in infants because the acidity of their digestive tract is not high enough to  destroy the spores. On the other hand, the acidity of an adult’s digestive system is high enough to kill this bacteria so pregnant women can eat honey and not put their baby at any risk.
Content Sources

Is it safe to eat honey during pregnancy? Baby center. Accessed January 11, 2016

Is honey safe during pregnancy. The bump. Accessed January 11, 2016

Is it OK to Eat Honey When Pregnant? Live strong. Accessed January 11, 2016

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