Snoring during pregnancy is common especially in the third trimester. During pregnancy many changes occur in the respiratory system which can alter sleep. Some of the changes include increased ventilatory drive and metabolic rate which can make you snore.


Pregnant woman sleeping on bed

What are some of the possible causes of snoring during pregnancy ?


Pregnant women may snore due to the following reasons :

  • increase in the amount of blood in the body during pregnancy  causes your blood vessels to expand. This can lead to swollen membranes and make you snore
  • high levels of estrogen can cause swelling of the mucous membrane lining the nose. This can cause you to make more mucus and result in snoring
  • you can also snore due to congestion and allergies
  • the heavier you are before pregnancy, the more weight you gain during pregnancy. This makes it difficult to breathe during sleep due to the extra tissue in your neck and throat
  • obstructive sleep apnea can also cause you to snore. In this condition , your airway becomes blocked causing your to stop breathing  briefly during sleep. If your partner realizes that you are snoring a lot and making periodic gasping sound in your sleep, let your doctor or midwife know. You will be evaluated and treated for sleep apnea if necessary

What can you do


These tips may help

  • sleep on your side rather than on your back and slightly elevate your head
  • avoid tobacco, alcohol and sleeping pills. They increase the chances of your airways closing
  • gain healthy weight during pregnancy
Content Sources
Sleep problems. Babycenter. Accessed December 13, 2015


Snoring could be a sign of complications during pregnancy. Net doctor. Accessed December 13, 2015


Snoring during pregnancy. British Snoring & Sleep Apnoea Association. Accessed December 13,2015


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