Newborns are susceptible to infections ( neonatal infections) much more than older kids. This is because their immune system is  not well developed to fight bacteria, viruses and parasites that cause infections. As a result sick newborns may need to spend time in the hospital or neonatal intensive care unit NICU to recover .


neonatal infections

What are the warning signs for neonatal infections ?


If your baby is showing any of these symptoms, it may be an indication that he’s got an infection.

  • irritability
  • poor feeding
  • decreased or elevated temperature
  • constant  crying
  • difficulty breathing
  • unusual skin rash or change in skin color

Other changes such as baby sleeping all the time or not sleeping at all may be a sign that something is not right.


If you have any concerns about your baby’s behavior, call your doctor right away.


What infections are newborn prone to ?


Some common neonatal infections include the following :

What complications are associated with neonatal infections ?


Prompt treatment of neonatal infections is essential. The organs of babies are under rapid development and any interruption in the process can result in serious complications  such as growth, neurological, cardiac , respiratory , sensory and developmental problems. Their immune system is also not well developed to handle infections. Premature babies and babies with  compromised immune system stand a greater risk of complications from neonatal infections. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment and monitoring is the key for newborns recovering from neonatal infections.


How can i prevent neonatal infections in babies ?



If a  pregnant woman is diagnosed with any of these infections or is at risk, preventive measures should be taken to prevent her passing them on to her child.


Pregnant women can also take steps to prevent these infections  in the first place. This can by done by doing the following :

  • getting immunized against rubella and chickenpox before becoming pregnant
  • washing your hands throughly with warm water and soap after using the toilet or when you come into contact with bodily fluids and waste
  • thoroughly washing and cooking food
  • avoid coming into contact with cat and other animal waste
  • practice safe sex to prevent sexual transmitted diseases
Content Sources
Neonatal infections . Nemours Foundation. Accessed December 14, 2015

Infection in newborn babies. WebMD. Accessed December 14, 2015

Overview neonatal infections. Merck manuals. Accessed December 14,2015

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