Spitting up is also known as reflux. Almost about 50% of babies spit up regularly.  During breastfeeding,  both breastfed and bottle fed babies usually swallow in some air. When this air comes up, it does with some liquid too either through the nose or mouth. Sometimes newborns take in more nourishment and they become overfilled . This may also result in spitting. You should also note that the newborn’s digestive system is not well-developed. As a result, the muscles at the bottom of the baby’s esophagus that controls  whether food is coming up  or going  down may still not be well developed. This may also contribute to spitting.




Remedies for spitting in babies

Dont overfeed the baby : Overfeeding your baby or feeding the baby too fast may result in spit ups.  Feeding your baby small amounts frequently may help with spitting .


Burp your baby during feedings :  Burp your baby when he takes  in about 2 to 3 ounces of food during bottle feeding and when he switches breasts during breastfeeding. This will bring out any air that has been trapped in the stomach before even more food  is layered on top of it.


Take pressure off : It is important to take any pressure off the baby’s belly after feeding. Make sure the baby’s cloths and diapers are not too tight. You should also avoid putting him on his tummy after feedings. Try to avoid car trips right after you feed your baby. The baby car seat belt can put pressure on the baby’s tummy.


Keep baby calm during and after feedings : It is important to minimize distraction and noise during feeding. If the  baby is too frantic during feeding, it increases his risk of swallowing air during feeding. After feeding, do not jostle your baby too much.  Keep him in an upright position for about an hour or so to help food settle.


Add a little cereal to the milk : It is generally not recommended to give babies cereal before 4 to 6 months of age. However,  there is an exception and that is to reduce reflux. Adding a little rice cereal to your baby’s milk may decrease infant spit up. You need to seek the okay of your pediatrician before you add cereal to your baby’s milk.


Check nipple of baby bottle : If your baby is having formula or breast milk from a bottle, check if the hole in the nipple isn’t too small. A small hole may frustrate baby and make him swallow air during the process. If the hole is too large on the other hand, the baby will gag because the fluid will come out too quickly .


Other steps you can take are as follows :

  • elevate the baby’s head if he tends to spit up during his sleep. It is not safe for your baby to use a pillow but you can place a foam wedge  under one end of his mattress
  • if you are breastfeeding , ask your doctor if there could be something in your diet that is making the making the baby spit
  • your  baby may not be tolerating his formula very well.Other signs of formula intolerance is gassiness, irritability, poor feeding and changes in poop. If that is the case, discuss with your doctor if you can change the formula


Content Sources
Remedies for spitty babies. American Academy of pediatrics. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/feeding-nutrition/Pages/Remedies-for-Spitty-Babies.aspx. Accessed August 17, 2015
Why do babies spit. Babies r us. http://www.babycenter.com/0_why-babies-spit-up_1765.bc. Accessed August 17, 2015
Why your baby spits up and vomits. WebMD. http://www.babycenter.com/0_why-babies-spit-up_1765.bchttp://www.babycenter.com/0_why-babies-spit-up_1765.bc. August 17, 2015


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