Marijuana is also called weed, cannabis or pot. It is a street drug that comes from the plant hemp. Marijuana like many street drugs can be harmful to your health. It may cause harm to you and your unborn child during pregnancy.




This street drug affects the brain and your ability to think clearly.  It may cause problems with your sense of sight, sound and touch. People who smoke weed  all the time are at increased risk of these complications.

  • accelerated heart rate
  • trouble thinking clearly
  • trouble sleeping
  • insomnia
  • trouble paying attention
  • lung problems such as bronchitis
  • poor coordination and balance


What is the effect of marijuana on my pregnancy ?

This street drug can cause problems before and during pregnancy. It can cause fertility problems that makes it difficult to get pregnant.  It can affect

  • a woman’s menstrual cycle
  •  the hormones needed for a woman to get pregnant
  • a man’s sperm count

During pregnancy  it may cause the following problems :


Can marijuana be used as medicine ?

There is a lot of research going on about the use of marijuana as medicine also known as medicinal marijuana. The research is being done to find the usefulness of weed  in treating certain medical conditions such as pain and nausea caused by cancer, HIV/AIDS and other conditions.
Content Sources

Marijuana and pregnancy. March of Dimes. Accessed July 15, 2015
Marijuana may harm the fetus. WebMD. Accessed July 15, 2015
Marijuana use during pregnancy and lactation. the American Congress of obstetrician and gynaecologists. . July 15, 2015

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