The best sleeping position in babies


The American Academy of pediatrics recommends that babies should sleep on their backs. This is known  to be the safest sleep position for babies and reduces their risk for sudden infant death syndrome SIDS.  In the United States, SIDS is the most leading cause of death in babies during the first year of life. The exact cause of SIDS is unknown. However,  it is believed that babies who sleep on their stomachs  get less oxygen or get rid of carbon dioxide less . This is because they re-breathe the air from the small pocket of bedding pulled around the nose.

baby sleeping position

Some doctors once thought that sleeping on the side was a good alternative to sleeping on the back. However , recent studies have indicated that this should be avoided as well for safety reasons.


NOTE : There are a few exceptions to this recommendation for babies with certain medical conditions. Your doctor will discuss this with you.


Putting babies on the back is recommended for babies during the fist year of life.  It is however very essential during the first 6 months of life when the incidence of SIDS is highest.


It is also important to avoid soft, porous  surfaces such as pillows and quilts even if your baby is sleeping on his back. These may block her airways if she borrows her face in them. Don’t let baby sleep on water beds, sofas and soft mattresses. The best option is to put the baby on a firm mattress  covered by sheets. Keep the baby’s toys and stuffed animal out of the crib during infancy.


Despite common believes that choking is common among infants who sleep on their backs, there is no evidence that backs are harmful for healthy babies. There may be good reasons where certain infants may be placed on their stomachs. Discuss this with your pediatrician.


Babies  sleeping on their backs can cause their skulls to temporarily grow out of shape (plagiocephaly). This can be  prevented by laying your  baby’s head on the opposite side every time you put the baby to sleep. Babies having tummy time when they are wide awake can also help resolve this condition.

Content Sources
Sleep position : Why back is best. American Academy of Pediatrics. Accessed July 30, 2015

Babies should always sleep on their backs. Net doctor. Accessed July 30 , 2015

Babies sleeping pattern. Standford children’s health. .Accessed July 23, 2015


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