Are you worried about your baby snoring ? In most cases snoring in babies is nothing to worry about. It is usually due to undeveloped narrow airways congested with mucus. This issue usually resolves as  the airways grow. Snoring in babies may also be due to an underlying condition. If you have any concerns about snoring in your baby, contact your pediatrician.
baby snoring

What are the causes of baby snoring ?

Apnea of premature :  This problem is common in premature babies especially those born before 34 weeks gestation. Apnea is a sleep condition characterized by a brief disruption in sleep that includes snoring. Premature babies have under developed  respiratory system and this makes breathing difficult. Babies with this condition will be monitored in the hospital before going home.


Apnea of infancy : This occurs in babies who are less than a year old. This diagnosis is only made when other types of apnea have been ruled out and no cause has been identified. The condition usually resolves on its own.  A sleep specialist may prescribe a special equipment to be used at home to monitor the infant.


Asthma : Baby snoring may be indicative that the baby will develop asthma. Children with asthma are more likely to snore than those without asthma. It should also be noted that babies whose parents snore are also likely to snore.


Enlarged adenoids and tonsils :  Enlarged adenoids and tonsils may block the  baby’s breathing passages during sleep when throat muscles are relaxed. Others symptoms of obstructive apnea include gasping, fitful sleep and labored breath.
Content Sources

Baby sleep habits: Snorting, sweating, head banging, and more. Baby Center. Accessed July 21, 2015
What are the causes of infant snoring. Live strong. Accessed July 21, 2015
Ask Dr Sears : Baby snoring. Parenting. Accessed July 21, 2015

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