Most women  wonder if their vaginas  will be the same after delivery. This depends on a number of factors such as genetics, the size of the baby, the number of children you’ve had and so on.


The vagina after birth .


vagina after birth


After a vaginal delivery, the vagina may feel larger or more loose, dryer and you may experience pain during sex.


Larger vagina : After the birth of your baby, the vagina may feel loose, soft and more open. This is  normal . The swelling and openness should reduce within a few days. Pelvic floor exercises also known as kegel exercises can help tone the vaginal floor muscle and pelvic floor muscles. These exercises may also help prevent urinary incontinence which is common after child-birth.


Vaginal dryness : Lower levels of estrogen after childbirth causes the vagina to be dryer than normal after delivey. Dry vagina is more pronounced in breastfeeding women because they have lower estrogen levels than those who are not breastfeeding. Once you have stopped breastfeeding and your period has started, dryness should get better. If vaginal dryness causes pain during sex, you can try using lubricants. It is important to note that if you are using latex condom, you need to use water based lubricants. This is because oil based lubricants can rip or tear latex condom.


Soreness of the vagina : The vagina may feel sore especially if you had a tear or episiotomy after delivery. Pain killers may help with the pain but it is important to contact your health care provider before taking any medication especially if you are breastfeeding.


Pain during sex : Health care professionals usually recommend waiting 4 to 6 weeks after birth before having intercourse.  This is to help you heal to prevent painful sex. If sex continues to be painful during sex, talk to your doctor.


Content Sources
Vagina changes after child birth. NHS Choices. . Accessed May 14 , 2015
Will my vagina stay stretched out after delivery? Baby Center. May 14, 2015
Postpartum care: What to expect after a vaginal delivery. Mayo Foundation. Accessed May 17, 2015

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