Are you pregnant and thinking of getting a tattoo.  It may not be a good idea to get a tattoo during pregnancy. However, if you really want to get it, this information may help you decide.



If you really want to get a tattoo while pregnant, make sure the tattoo artists  follow the following guidelines.

  • they are registered practitioner that is if the state allows it
  • they have an autoclave
  • they wear gloves during the process
  • the dressings are sterile packed and unopened
  • the surfaces and floors are clean
  • the  needles  used are new , disposable and can be used only once
  • he artist is available for the first 24 hours if you have any problems
  • find out if the artist is available for days or months ahead should you have any problems


What is the effect of tattoos on pregnancy ?


The main concern about tattoos during pregnancy is the risk getting an infection such as HIV. It is recommended that you wait until your baby is born to get a tattoo.


Some women have also been  told that they cannot have an epidural because they have a tattoo on their backs. However,  no studies have concluded that there is any effect of tattoos on epidural. If you have a tattoo  at your back and want an epidural, contact your the hospital you wish to have your baby about their policies on tattoos and anesthesia.


You may want to wait until you are done breastfeeding before you get a tattoo. The risk of infection may be small but you can still pass it on to your baby though breast milk. However, the decision is ultimately yours.


What is the effect of henna on pregnancy ?


These beautiful designs are applied on the belly during the third trimester . It is believed to make pregnant moms deliver safely and bring forth a happy baby.


There are different types of henna. The natural hennas are safe to use and stain the skin orange, red, brown, cinnamon, brick, chocolate or coffee . They last about one to four weeks. The natural ones do not come in black. It therefoe very essential to make sure that the artist does not use the black henna.


Black henna is not safe for anyone. It contains para-phenylendiamine (PPD), which causes burns, blisters and various reactions which last for months and are  difficult to diagnose and treat.

What is the effect of tattoos on pregnancy ?


The main concern about tattoos during pregnancy is the risk of getting an infection such as HIV. It is recommended that you wait until your baby is born to get a tattoo.


Content Sources
Tattoos and pregnancy. American Pregnancy Association. Accessed March 7, 2015

Is it safe to use tattoos during pregnancy. Baby Center. Accessed March 7, 2015


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