Stages of Labor


Labor during pregnancy happens in 3 stages and lasts an average of 12 to 24 hours for first pregnancy, even though it may be shorter for subsequent pregnancies.


Childbirth involves 3 stages.

Stage I : This starts with the onset of true labor until the cervix is completely dilated to 10cm.

Stage II :This is after the cervix has dilated 10 cm until the delivery of the baby.

Stage III : This involves the delivery of the placenta


The first stage of labor is the longest. It begins from the onset of true labor until your cervix is dilated to 10 cm and effaced (thinned out). It is divided into three phases.

stages of labor

Early Labor

This is the time from the onset of labor until your cervix is dilated 3 cm.


What to expect

  • early labor will last approximately 8 to 12 hours
  • your cervix  will begin to thin out and dilate to 3 cm
  • you will begin to feel mild contractions that feel like pain in your lower back, menstrual cramps, and pressure or tightening in the pelvic area. This  will typically last between 30 to 90 seconds at about a 5 to 30 minutes interval
  • contractions will get progressively stronger and come at regular intervals
  • your water might break even though this may happen at anytime during the first stage of labor
  • you might also notice brown or blood tinged discharge from your vagina. This is known as bloody show

What you can do

This is the time to try and relax.  There is no need to rush to the hospital or birthing center. You can take the following steps to make you more comfortable.

  • take a warm shower or bath
  • change positions
  • have a gentle massage
  • try breathing and relaxation techniques
  • drink fluids
  • listen to  relaxing music
  • eat light, healthy snacks
  • apply cold packs or heat to your lower back


Active labor

It is now time to head to  the hospital or birth center. Your contractions will get stronger, longer and at regular intervals. You may have to switch positions often and it is a good time to start breathing exercises. You can also try to walk, talk or take  a warm bath. You need to continue to drink lots of water and urinate periodically.


What to expect

  • active labor will last for about 3-5 hours but much shorter for those who have had a previous vaginal delivery
  • your cervix will dilate from 4 cm to 7 cm
  • contractions usually last 30-45 seconds with a 3 to 5 minutes rest period
  • contractions  will feel stronger and longer

What you can do

To promote comfort during this period, you can do the following :

  • change positions
  • take a warm shower or bath
  • roll on a birthing ball
  • practice breathing exercises
  • you can have a gentle massage in between contractions


Transition  Phase

This is the shortest but most challenging phase. The mother will rely heavily on her support person. If you feel the urge to push, let your healthcare provider know.


What to expect

  • this phase will last about 30 minutes to 2 hours
  • contraction will last for about 60 to 90 minutes with about 30 seconds to  2 minutes resting period
  • contractions are long, strong and intense and may even overlap
  • your cervix will dilate from 8 cm to 10 cm
  • you might experience nausea, vomiting, hot flashes, chills or gas

What you can do

  • continue breathing exercises
  • avoid small talks
  • try to relax in  between contractions

Content Sources

Stages of Childbirth: Stage I . American Pregnancy Association . Accessed November 12, 2014
Pregnancy and the Stages of Labor and Childbirth. WebMD. Accessed November 12, 2014
Stages of labor : Baby it’s time. Mayo Foundation. Accessed November 12, 2014

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