A  baby cries to let you know something is wrong or it needs something. It can however be difficult to now the reason why babies cry.
babies cry

Here are some of the common reasons why babies cry..


I am hungry


This is probably the first thing you think about when your baby cries. Newborn feed a every few hours through the day and night. You should watch out for the cues of hunger in newborns such as rooting reflex ( baby moving his  head from side to side, as if looking for something), sticking out the tongue, making sucking motions of the lips and so on.


It better to watch out for early signs of hunger and start feeding the baby before he starts to cry.


I need a diaper change


When a baby has a wet or soiled diaper, he is definitely going to cry even though some babies can tolerate dirty diaper for a while.


Check the baby’s diaper as often as possible to make sure is it dry and clean.


I want to be held


Babies love to be cuddled, see familiar faces and listen to their parents heartbeat.


You may soothe the baby by giving them gentle  massages and pats on the back.


I have stomach discomfort such as colic and gas


This is one of the main reasons why babies cry. Colic can result in hours or even day of continuous inconsolable crying.


You may use over the counter antigas drops or gripe water for gas.  You can also help relieve your baby of gas by putting him on his back, holding his legs up and moving them in a gentle cycling motion.


I’m too hot or too cold

If a baby is too hot or too cold, it makes them uncomfortable which may result in crying.


Add or remove a layer of clothing as needed.


I want to sleep


Newborns need more sleep. They may sleep up to 16 hours a day or even more.When babies want to sleep, they may fuss and cry especially when they are overly  tired.


I am tired


Overstimulation  and too much noise can make a baby cry.


Move the baby to a calmer environment. You can also help the baby relax with white noises such as sound of electric fan or recording of ocean waves.


Content Sources
Crying baby : What to do when a newborn cries. Mayo Foundation. http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-living/infant-and-toddler-health/in-depth/healthy-baby/art-20043859. Accessed September 16, 2014

How to soothe a crying baby. WebMD. http://www.webmd.com/parenting/baby/colic-remedies. Accessed September 16, 2014

Baby crying. Breastfeeding problems.com. http://www.breastfeeding-problems.com/baby-crying.html. Accessed September 16, 2014

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