What is fifth disease ?

Pregnant woman checking her body temperature

Fifth disease is caused by the human parvovirus B19 . This contagious infection can be spread through coughing, sneezing or bodily fluids. This infection is a pretty mild childhood disease and majority of pregnant women who get it go on to have healthy babies. However some babies may develop anemia and pregnant woman may miscarry but this is not common.


What causes fifth disease ?


It is caused by the parvovirus B19. This virus inhibits the production of red blood cells. It is called fifth disease because years ago, the disease appeared fifth on the list of common childhood diseases. You can get fifth disease if an infected person coughs or sneezes around you.


How do I know I have fifth disease ?


Symptoms of fifth’s disease may vary from person to person. These include :

  • sore throat
  • fever
  • headache
  • joint pain
  • lacy red  rash on the face that looks like a slapped cheek. This rash may appear on the leg, belly and neck. The rash is the  most common sign of the disease in children.

Symptoms in both children and adults appear between 4 and 21 days after infection.


Adults infected with this disease usually  get  pain and swelling in their joints and sometimes mild flu-like symptoms.


How will fifth disease affect my pregnancy ?


The most common complication of fifth’s disease is anemia in the unborn child. In most cases anemia is not severe and can be monitored. When severe anemia occurs, it can result in hydrops. Hydrops is a build up of fluid in the baby’s body. This can lead to congestive heart failure and possibly death. It may also cause miscarriage.


How is fifth disease treated during pregnancy ?


Fifth disease is usually mild and resolves on it’s own. If you get infected during pregnancy, you will be monitored carefully for problems in the baby. You may need ultrasound once a week or every other week for 8 to 12 weeks. You don’t need further testing if your ultrasound does not show any problems.


If your ultrasound reveals any problems, your doctor will recommend an amniocentesis to check for infection. If baby has been infected , chances are the infection will go away on it’s own. Your baby’s health will be monitored through routine prenatal care.


If an ultrasound reveals that your baby has hydrops, a special procedure called cordocentesis  is done to check the severity of the baby’s anemia. If your baby has severe anemia, it will be treated by giving the baby blood transfusion through the umbilical cord.


If your baby develops hydrops from fifth disease during the third trimester,  you may be induced for early delivery.


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