Now that the delivery date is coming closer, the baby is all gearing up for its big debut. By pregnancy week 23, the baby will start listening to what’s happening in the outside world. This is the right time to prepare yourself too and get some practical matters in order. First, get the nursery ready. Next, talk about the appropriate cover with yours and your partner’s insurance agent for after the baby arrives. If you want to give your baby a secure future, it’s time you consider setting up their own separate savings account.

How’s the Baby Doing At Pregnancy Week 23?

By pregnancy week 23, your baby would almost be the size of a grapefruit, measuring between 10.5 and 11.8 inches. The average weight of the baby would be between 12.7 and 20.8 ounces. You should be happy because your baby isn’t just getting bigger but cuter as well. By now, the face of your baby will be fully formed and some extra fat would be needed to fill it out. The baby would be listening to your heartbeat, and to other sounds like dogs barking and cars honking.

The Symptoms At Pregnancy Week 23

The symptoms you will experience in this week include:


What to Do?

You will feel exhausted more often by now but it’s necessary to keep up with some light exercises if you want to stay healthy. Make sure you keep going for your monthly ante-natal checkup regularly. You can also start training for your life after baby by researching and trying out some new recipes and reading baby care tips. Again, schedule your glucose screen test if you haven’t done that already. Start budgeting for the baby and update your will if you want.

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