If you have a habit of sleeping on your back or front, you will definitely have to tweak that and start sleeping on your side. The bump will not allow you to sleep on your front; and sleeping on your back will put pressure on your veins, dangerously decreasing blood flow to the heart. You will also feel all this pressure as your baby grows, experiencing more aches, cramps and swelling around your body.

How’s the Baby Doing ?

By week 18, you baby will almost be the size of a sweet potato. Because of its rapid growth, you will feel like eating all the time. The baby would measure 5.6 inches in length by now and weigh 6.7 ounces. All active and filled with energy, your baby would be rolling, kicking, punching and twisting all over and you will actually be able to feel all its movements.

The Symptoms

The symptoms you may experience in this week include:

  • Feeling the movements of your baby
  • Having swollen hands and feet
  • Leg cramps, back aches, varicose vein and nosebleeds due to increased pressure on your insides and lack of water
  • Trouble in sleeping due to uncomfortable feeling and stress

What to Do ?

No matter how busy you are right now, make some time to unwind or the stress will take its toll on you and your body. You should also schedule your mid-pregnancy ultrasound, which can take place anytime between week 18 and 20. You can also decide whether to know the gender of your baby or not. If you have some questions to ask your midwife or OB-Gyn, make a list before your ultrasound. Finally, make sure you are spending enough time with your partner.


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