Congenital syphilis is when a baby is born infected with syphilis. This infection is life-threatening . A pregnant woman with syphilis  can spread the infection  to her unborn child through the placenta. Most of the time syphilis  is transferred to the baby during pregnancy, However it  can also happen during vaginal delivery. This happens  when there is direct contact of your baby with  a syphilis sore .


congenital syphilis


Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease STD. You can get it through unprotected sex with an infected individual or through touch such as kissing or touching an infected individual’s sore. Untreated syphilis during pregnancy can be passed on to your baby. This can cause problems or even death in the baby.


What is the effect of congenital syphilis on your baby during and after pregnancy ?


It can cause complications  during and after pregnancy. The complications depend on how long you were infected and whether you received treatment.  They include :

After birth, the baby may encounter these complications

  • neonatal death
  • fever
  • anemia
  • a rash on her mouth, genitals (also called sex organs) or anus, or on the bottoms of her feet and on her hands and face
  • runny nose
  • meningitis

If syphilis is not treated right away, the baby may encounter the following problems later in life

  • problems with his bones and joints, including pain, swelling and conditions like saber shin, saddle nose and Hutchinson teeth
  • vision problems
  • hearing problems
  • problems with the nervous system including having paralyzed arms, legs and seizures
  • developmental delays such as delays in siting, walking, talking, having social skills and thinking

How is congenital syphilis diagnosed ?


During your prenatal visits, your doctor will screen for STDS. Your provider will use several tests such as the following :

  • blood tests
  • physical exams
  • eye exams to check the baby’s vision
  • x-ray
  • ultrasound
  • spinal tab

How is congenital syphilis treated ?


The infected baby will be treated with  an antibiotic called penicillin. Your baby may get the penicillin as a shot or through an IV. The amount of treatment depends on the infection and your baby’s condition. For some babies, this condition can be completely cured. Others may need treatment for the health problems caused by congenital syphilis. It is important for children with this condition to be treated right away to prevent complications .


How to prevent your baby from having congenital syphilis


This condition is preventable. You can protect your baby by protecting yourself from infection. Here is how to protect yourself from infection

  • abstinence : Not having sex is the best way to protect yourself from STDs such as syphilis
  • if you decide to have sex, have safe sex  if you’re  unsure if your partner has STD or not
  • go to all your prenatal checkups even if you feel fine
  • get tested and if  the results come back positive, get treated
  • ask your partner to get tested and treated for syphilis


Content Sources
Congenital Syphilis. March of Dimes. Accessed July 24th, 2017

Congenital Syphilis. National Library of Medicine. MedlinePlus. Accessed July 24th, 2017

Congenital Syphilis. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed July 24th, 2017

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