Implantation bleeding is vaginal bleeding that is experienced  after 10 to 14 days of conception. You may mistake this to be your period. This bleeding is usually light and not harmful. No treatment is required. However if bleeding is heavy, it may be a sign of miscarriage. Contact your health care provider immediately.
implantation bleeding

What causes implantation bleeding ?

When the sperm fertilizes an egg, it results  in an embryo.  Implantation bleeding occurs when this embryo attaches to the uterine wall. This bleeding poses no risk to the baby that will develop.


Are there any symptoms ?

The bleeding is usually light pink to brown in color  and less in flow than your regular monthly period. It may be accompanied by mild cramping . This bleeding usually occurs even before you start experiencing morning sickness. Implantation bleeding could last for a few hours to a couple of days.


Not all women experience implantation bleeding. Some women may also experience this bleeding and not even notice it.


Some women may experience heavy implantation bleeding. This may resemble your menstrual period and last a couple of days. Note however that implantation bleeding that last more than a couple of days may be a sign of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. Contact your health provider right away if you experience this.
Content Sources

What is implantation bleeding. New Health Guide. Accessed December 27, 2014
Is implantation bleeding normal in early pregnancy. Mayo Clinic. Accessed December 27, 2014
What is implantation bleeding. WebMD. Accessed December 27, 2014

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